After School Programs 課後活動

Community Youth Center of San Francisco (CYC)
Garfield Elementary has one on-site after school program, which operates in partnership with the Community Youth Center of San Francisco (CYC). This program at Garfield runs from school dismissal to 5:45PM every school day throughout the year, and provides homework and academic assistance, recreation, and enrichment to each Garfield student who participates.
Utilizing a club model, the program focuses on three areas of enrichment: interest clubs (cooking, video production, gardening, girls soccer, etc.); language clubs (Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and Indian); academic clubs, and more. It is designed to support both students and Garfield families and also strives to incorporate community involvement as a key component of the program.
Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center
In addition, after-school care is provided by the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center. Attending Garfield students are picked up by Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center staff directly from school at dismissal, and then they make the short walk to Tel-Hi together. For more information about the Tel-Hi after school program, please visit their website.
Salesian Boys and Girls Club
Children 8 years and up can join the the Salesian Boys’ and Girls’ Club located at 680 Filbert Street. A counselor from the club walks the kids to club after dismissal. Hours are from 1:30PM – 7PM. For more information, check out their website at